Transcad 4.5 Software

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  4. Transcad 4.5 Software Downloads

Department of Geography, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Spring 2004

TransCAD® Version 4.5 is the first and only GIS designed specifically for use by transportation professionals to store, display, manage, and analyze transportation data. TransCAD combines GIS and transportation modeling capabilities in a single integrated platform, providing capabilities that are unmatched by any other package. Students will use TransCAD 4.5 in this class to gain hands-on experience with GIS-T software. ArcGIS 8.3 and ArcView 3.2 also will be demonstrated in class with respect to their transportation-related functions. The main course objective is to prepare students with a better understanding of selected transportation topics and GIS-T concepts. Application of Transcad software on forecasting the traffic volume of freeway J.Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering (Natural Science), 2005, 1(4). 5 Sha bin, Yuan zhenzhou, Miao jianghua, Cao shouhua.Approach of traffic demand predicting base on transcad J.Shanxi Science and Technology, 2006, 1, (1). TransCAD is the only software package that fully integrates GIS with demand modeling and logistics functionality. This makes it possible for models to be much more accurate and efficient. For example, network distances and travel times are based on the actual shape of the road network and a correct representation of highway interchanges. In this video, you will learn how to install and crack PSCAD 4.5. Use this for Educational learning purpose only. For commercial use buy the license from the.

Geography 549

Transcad 4.5 Software Price

Topics in Geography of Transportation

Class: Wednesday, 1:25 - 4:25 pm, Burchfiel Geography Building (BGB), Room 406

Transcad 4.5 Software

GIS Lab: BGB Room 404.

Instructor: Dr. Shih-Lung Shaw, Burchfiel Geography Building, Room 315
Phone: 974-6036, E-mail:

Office Hours: Thursday, 1:30 - 3:30 pm, or by appointment


Miller, H. and Shaw, S.L. 2001. Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: Principles and Applications. New York: Oxford University Press.
TransCAD User Guide
by Caliper Corporation (Copies will be made available to the class.)
TransCAD Travel Demand Modeling User Guide by Caliper Corporation (Copies will be made available to the class.)
TransCAD Vehicle Routing and Logistics User Guide by Caliper Corporation (Copies will be made available to the class.)

Course Description:

This course covers selected transportation topics, including shortest paths and routing, network flows, facility location, transportation planning, intelligent transportation systems, and logistics. In addition, this course is designed as a geographic information systems for transportation (GIS-T) class, which has a focus on how geographic information systems (GIS) can be used in various transportation applications. Students will use TransCAD 4.5 in this class to gain hands-on experience with GIS-T software. ArcGIS 8.3 and ArcView 3.2 also will be demonstrated in class with respect to their transportation-related functions. The main course objective is to prepare students with a better understanding of selected transportation topics and GIS-T concepts and functions.


Transcad user manual

Grading will be based on the weights allocated to the components listed below.

  1. Class participation/discussion: 25%
    (This class will have an emphasis on class discussions. Students will take turns to lead class discussions. Each student will be given a one-week advanced notice regarding his/her turn of leading a particular class discussion. The lead students must prepare a 15-20 minutes presentation that summarizes the key concepts. In addition, the lead students will prepare a list of discussion questions. All students are expected to participate in discussions following the presentation.)
  2. Literature search/review project (including a written paper): 25%
    (Each student will choose his/her topic relevant to this class. Literature search/review of the selected topic must cover a minimum of 10 journal articles/conference papers/books. At least 5 of the reviewed articles/papers/books must be published after 1999. The written paper (approx. 15 pages, double-spaced) must be based on the literature search/review and follow the publication format used in Professional Geographer.)
  3. Lab assignments (Each assignment must be turned in on a CD/RW): 20%
    (Dynamic segmentation lab assignment and Travel demand analysis lab assignment)
  4. GIS-T project (including presentation and all project files on a CD-RW): 30%
    (Each student will choose her/his own GIS-T application and implement it with TransCAD 4.5. School bus routing, locating new fire stations, travel demand analysis, transit information system for Knox County are some examples of possible GIS-T application topics. Students will be responsible for data collection, GIS database creation, GIS application development, and a 20-minute Powerpoint presentation/live demonstration. All project data and files must be submitted on a CD-RW.)


Transcad 4.5 software download
  1. The instructor will follow the course outline below as closely as possible. However, the actual pace and contents may vary from the course outline as needed.
  2. Students are expected to put in the time necessary to master the topics and complete the assignments and projects of this class.
  3. All assignments/papers/presentations must be completed on time except for legitimate excuses with appropriate documents (e.g., a doctor's statement) submitted to the instructor. A penalty of 5 points per work day will be assessed on assignment/report/presentation that is completed after the due date. With the exception of death in the family or serious illness of the student, there will be no incomplete.
  4. The Department of Geography does not allow individual students to perform extra credit work in order to increase their grade. Any extra credit options must be made available to the entire class.
  5. Students requiring course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability or if you have emergency information to share, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 191 Hoskins Library at 974-6087. This will ensure that you are properly registered for services. It is the student's responsibility to alert the instructor and teaching assistants of documented special needs.

Course Outline:




1/14 (W)Introduction, TransCAD LabTC UG, Chap. 1-6, 25
1/21 (W)Miller and Shaw, GIS-T Data Models
TransCAD Lab
GIS-T, Chap. 3
TC UG, Chap. 7-11
1/28 (W)Linear Referencing in ArcGIS 8
TransCAD Dynamic Segmentation
LR-ArcGIS, Chap. 1,2,3,4,7
TC UG, Chap. 16-17
2/4 (W)Miller and Shaw, Shortest Path and Routing
ArcView 3 Network Analyst Extension
TransCAD Networks and Shortest Paths Lab
GIS-T, Chap. 5
ArcView 3 online help
TC UG, Chap. 13-15
2/11 (W)Miller and Shaw, Shortest Path and Routing (cont.)
TransCAD Routing and Logistics Lab
GIS-T, Chap. 5
TC R&L, Chap. 1,2,4
2/18 (W)Miller and Shaw, Network Flows and Facility Location
TransCAD Routing and Logistics Lab
Due: Dynamic segmentation assignment
GIS-T, Chap. 6
TC R&L, Chap. 3
2/25 (W)Miller and Shaw, Network Flows and Facility Location (cont.)
TransCAD Routing and Logistics Lab
GIS-T, Chap. 6
TC R&L, Chap. 5
3/3 (W)Miller and Shaw, GIS-Based Spatial Analysis and Modeling
ArcInfo Location-Allocation Analysis
GIS-T, Chap. 7
ArcGIS 8 online help
3/10 (W)Spring Break (No Class)
3/17 (W)AAG Meeting (Class will work on the GIS-T project. No class meeting.)
3/24 (W)Miller and Shaw, Transportation Planning
TransCAD Travel Demand Modeling Lab
GIS-T, Chap. 8
TC TDM, Chap. 1-4
TC UG, Chap. 18
3/31 (W)Miller and Shaw, Transportation Planning (cont.)
TransCAD Travel Demand Modeling Lab
Due: Literature search/review report
GIS-T, Chap. 8
TC TDM, Chap. 6-9
4/7 (W)Miller and Shaw, Intelligent Transportation Systems GIS-T, Chap. 9
4/14 (W)Miller and Shaw, Transportation, Environment, and Hazards GIS-T, Chap. 10
4/21 (W)Miller and Shaw, Logistics
Due: Travel demand analysis assignment
GIS-T, Chap. 11
4/28 (W)Open
5/3 (M)Due: GIS-T project presentation (12:30 - 3:30 pm)

Transcad 4.5 Software Download


GIS-T : GIS for Transportation: Principles and Applications - Miller and Shaw, 2001
LR-ArcGIS: Linear Referencing in ArcGIS - ESRI, 2002.
TC UG : TransCAD User's Guide
TC TDM : TransCAD Travel Demand Modeling Manual.
TC R&L : TransCAD Routing and Logistics

Transcad 4.5 software, free download


Transcad 4.5 Software Downloads

  • A GIS for TransitOperations Simulation – Daniel Morgan, Paul Ricotta
    Presented at the GIS in Transit Conference, St.Petersburg, FL
  • Advances in Transit GIS Analysis and Modeling– Jim Lam
    Presented at the GIS in Transit Conference, St. Petersburg, FL
  • Comparing Dynamic Traffic Assignment Approaches for Planning –Ramachandran Balakrishna, Daniel Morgan, Qi Yang
    Presented at the TRB National TransportationPlanning Applications Conference, Houston, TX
  • Critical Issues in Estimating and Applying Nested Logit Mode ChoiceModels – Ramachandran Balakrishna, Srinivasan Sundaram
    Presented atthe TRB National Transportation Planning Applications Conference,Houston, TX
  • Application of Accelerated User Equilibrium TrafficAssignments to Regional Planning Models – Howard Slavin,Jonathan Brandon, Andres Rabinowicz, Srinivasan Sundaram
    Presented at the TRB National Transportation Planning ApplicationsConference, Houston, TX
  • Development of the Graphical User Interface and Improvement andStreamlining of NYMTC’s Best Practice Model – HowardSlavin, Andres Rabinowicz, Jim Lam
    Presented at the TRB National Transportation PlanningApplications Conference, Houston, TX
  • Short-Term Follow-Up Assessment Of ADisaggregate Land Use Model – Stewart Berry,Srinivasan Sundaram, Howard Slavin
    Presented at the TRBNational Transportation Planning Applications Conference, Houston,TX
  • Developing a Sketch Plan Tool for the SouthernCalifornia Association of Governments – Jim Lam,Guoxiong Huang, Mark Bradley, Rich Kuzmyak, Hong Kim
    Presented at the TRB NationalTransportation Planning Applications Conference, Houston, TX
  • A Dynamic 3D Traffic and GIS Model for EnhancedVisualization in Planning – Daniel Morgan
    Presented at the TRBNational Transportation Planning Applications Conference, Houston,TX
  • GIS Integration of Traffic Simulation Models– Daniel Morgan
    Presented at the TRB National Transportation PlanningApplications Conference, Houston, TX
  • Large-Scale Traffic Simulation Tools forPlanning and Operations Management – RamachandranBalakrishna, Daniel Morgan, Howard Slavin, Qi Yang
    Presented at the IFAC Symposium on Control inTransportation Systems, Redondo Beach, CA
  • An Empirical Study of Nested Logit TravelBehavioral Model Estimation – RamachandranBalakrishna, Srinivasan Sundaram, Howard Slavin
    Presented at the IATBR Conference, Jaipir, India