- Winlink 2000 Powerpoint Presentation
- Winlink 2000 Manual
- Winlink 2000 Tutorial
- Winlink 2000 Software Download
Downloads.winlink.org - /User Programs/ To Parent Directory 5/21/2018 6:55 PM 626 Latest VARA Modem download site.rtf 7/19. Winlink 2000 System.Provides valuable service to emergency communicators and to licensed radio operators without access to the Internet.The all-volunteer Winlink Development Team (WDT) is committed to continuous improvement using modern computer technology with the most effective radio modes and digital protocols for local, regional. Winlink 2000 For someone who likes playing with technology I’ve got this fear of impending doom that as a species, the more we become reliant on technology, that bubble will eventually burst and we will either be returned to the state of hitting rocks against things to make sparks to light fires or we will be hunted down by Schwarzenegger. Winlink 2000™ (www.winlink.org) is a worldwide network for passing email traffic over radio. It does not depend on the internet but has connectivity to internet-based stations allowing you to send and receive to other winlink.org recipients AND to email account that are internet based.
How to Send a RMS Express VHF Packet Message
How to send a peer to node (PTN) email such as via W5AUY-10 or AI6A-10 on 145.070 MHZ to an email address:
1. Select “Message”
2. Select “New Message”
3. Prepare the message as a WINLINK message, not as a peer to peer (PTP) message.
4. Use the email address of who you are sending to such as This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
5. Select “Post to OutBox”
6. Select 'Open Session' as 'Packet WL2K'.
7. For 'Connection Type' select 'Direct'.
8. Input the call sign of the node you are sending to such as W5AUY-10 or AI6A-10.
9. Click on 'Start'.
How to send a direct peer to peer (PTP) message to another local ham:
1. Select “Message”
2. Select “New Message”
3. Prepare the message as a Peer-to-Peer message, not as a Winlink message.
4. Use the ham call sign of who you are sending to such as W5AGM.
5. Select “Post to OutBox”
6. Select 'Open Session' as 'Packet P2P'.
7. For 'Connection Type' select 'Direct'.
8. Input the call sign of the local ham you are sending to such as W5AGM
9. Click on 'Start'.
How to send a PTP message to another local ham (digipeat) via W5AGM-10 or AI6A-10 on 145.070 MHz:
1. Prepare the message as a P2P message, not as a Winlink message.
2. Use the ham call sign of who you are sending to such as W5AGM.
3. After posting the message do 'Open Session' as 'Packet P2P'.
4. For 'Connection Type' select 'Digipeat'.
5. Input the call sign of the local ham you are sending to such as W5AGM
6. Input the via call sign of the ham that you will be digipeating through such as W5AUY-10 or AI6A-10 on 145.070 MHz.
6. Click on 'Start'.
How to send a PTN email message via a digipeater such as to AI6A on 145.070 MHZ via W5AGM-10 when Keith is not connected to the internet:
1. Prepare the message as a WINLINK message, not as a P2P message.
2. Use the call sign of who you want to send the message to such as AI6A, W5JLF, KG5BDT or W5AGM.
3. After posting the message do 'Open Session' as 'Packet P2P'.
4. For 'Connection Type' select 'Digipeater'.
5. Input the call sign of the station you want to reach such as AI6A.
6. Input the call sign of the station you are going via such as KF5AGM-10.
7. Click on 'Start'.
How to send a message to Tom Pegues (AD5DJ) using Keith’s W5AGM-10 system and call sign so that the next time Tom checks in (as Keith), your message will be automatically forwarded to him (Tom). This assumes that the internet is down and Keith or Tom has configured the W5AGM-10 system for Store and Forward.
1. Prepare your message as a WINLINK message, not as a PTP message.
2. Use the call sign of the person that you wanto to leage a message for. For this scenario that would be W5AGM (not W5AGM-10 since Tom is acting as Keith.
3. After posting your message do “Open Session” as “Packet WL2K”.
4. For “Connection Type” select “Direct”.
5. Input the call sign of the station you are sending your message to. In this case that would be W5AGM-10.
6. Set your radio to 145.070 MHz.
7. Click on “Start”.
8. When asked by the system, click on “Connect to this server”.
How to send an email message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. via W5AUY-10 digipeating through AI6A-10:
1. Prepare your message as a WINLINK message, not as a PTP message.
2. Use the email address of who you want to send the email message to, in this case This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3. After posting your message do “Open Session” as “Packet WL2K”.
4. For “Connection Type” select “Digipeat”.
5. Input the call sign of the WINLINK node that will be processing your message, in this case W5AUY-10. Than input the WINLINK node that you will be digipeating through (the “via”), in this case AI6A-10.
6. Click on “Start”.
145.610 Winlink Digipeters
W9SM-2 KA-Node/ W9NA-2 KA-Node
last update 8/15/2012
WI ARES/RACES Digital Traffic and Training Net
This net is held every Tuesday evening at 9:00PM on 145.610. You can check into this net by connecting to your local Telpac Node (ours is W9SM-10) and sending a message to KB9MMC-5@winlink.org. In the subject line type Check In, (city), (traffic or no traffic). The NCS station will reply and send out who is on the net and if there is a topic or exercise for the evening. Check out this link for more information on the net and some examples.
Winlink 2000 Powerpoint Presentation
The WVRA provides two Winlink 2000 Digipeaters to allow access to the Various Winlink 2000 Nodes in Marathon County. They are:
Winlink Digipeater – W9SM-2
The W9SM-2 KA-node (digipeater) (it used to be W9SM-7) is located at the FOX55 tower in the town of Hewitt, northeast of Wausau. The radio is a GE/Ericsson 2M MDX 40 watt mobile type radio. The TNC is a Kantronics KPC3+ running the 9.1 firmware programmed for KA-node operation. These are powered by an Astron SL-11 power supply. The radio is run into a WACOM duplexer that is also connected to the 146.265 receive radio. The output of the duplexer is fed into the VHF port of a PCTEL/Maxrad VHF/UHF diplexer. The output of the diplexer is connected to 7/8″ hardline that is then run up the tower to a level of 375ft. The total run of hardline is approx 575ft. The antenna is a Diamond X500HNA on a Pyrod 6ft side arm bracket.
10/15/07 – Set the TNC to the correct time and date. Also changed the “my alias” command to relay so that it will digi out the position strings from the Telpac nodes.
12/7/07 – Reprogrammed the “my alias” setting to none and programmed the “uidigi”, “uitrace” and “uiflood” parameters to the same settings used for APRS. Also got the node running on UPS power.
8/22/08 – Reprogrammed the SSID of the TNC from -7 to -2 to correspond with the settings suggested by Wisconsin ARES/RACES.
Winlink 2000 Manual
Radio and TNC Equipment for the W9SM-2 KA-Node at the Hewitt (Fox55) tower
W9SM-2 Winlink Digipeater Coverage Map
Winlink Digipeater – W9NA-2
Winlink 2000 Tutorial
The W9NA-2 KA-Node digipeater is located on Mosinee Hill in the town of Rib Mountain near Wausau. The digipeater is a GE/Ericsson MDX 40 watt mobile type radio and Kantronics KPC-2 TNC running version 3.0 firmware programmed for KA-Node operation and is powered by an GE auxiliary receiver power supply. The antenna is a Comet GP9 dual band mounted at 50ft. The radio is connected to a TX/RX bandpass cavity and is then hooked to a Diawa VHF/UHF diplexer and is then hooked to the antenna with 1/2″ hardline. This digipeater was added to help fill in the Wausau area due to terrain problems that prevent a good signal to/ from the W9SM-2 digipeater at the Hewitt tower.
11/23/08 – Had Pete AB9PJ and Eric KG9GH from the Marinette-Menominee HAT team over to help with tower work at Mosinee Hill. Also had help from Jack N9LIA, Dave N9KNY, Dave KB9PON, Mark N9MEA, Mike KB9DED, and Michael KB9VBR. Thanks to everyone that helped.
11/26/08 – Got the final antenna line work done today and put the digipeater on the air. I still need to do a couple of items for mounting the radio equipment, but when I do that, it shouldn’t be off the air very long.
12/1/08 – Installed a cabinet and remounted the radio and TNC into the cabinet and installed a different power supply. Installed polyphasers on the coax and grounded everything.
5/15/09 – Winlink digi hasn’t worked for about a week. Found interference on the radio. Turned squelch up to get rid of it. Need to come back to the site with a computer to reprogram the radio for oscillator shift.
5/19/09 – Reprogrammed GE MDX for Oscillator shift to get rid of interference in radio.
10/12/09 – The digi has not been showing up on the APRS map for a couple of days. Looked over the digipeater and everything looks fine. Reset the TNC just in case that was the problem.
10/15/09 – Have been watching the packets from the digipeaters and everything looks good here. The packets always decode here, but not always at the RMS node. I will have to talk to Travis about it.
10/17/09 – Talked to Travis today and he looked over the RMS node. He said the antenna and coax are OK so he reset the TNC and rebooted the computer. The position packets appear to be working correctly. However, Travis mentioned that he was having a problem with either the RMS node or W9NA-2 digi not working intermittently when trying to send traffic. We will have to try to look into this problem.
Winlink 2000 Software Download
For more information on Winlink 2000, checkout these documents.